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Member Galleries (Click on photo to enter gallery)

Neil Miller

Landscape / Wildlife

Through photography I explore the beauty of the world around us.  The journey of learning and practicing this art form never ends.  In today’s hectic world, it’s nice to slow down, take time to smell the roses, then make a photograph of them!

Glenn Jones

Landscape / Wildlife

For most of my life I’ve had an interest in photography. Joining the SCSH Camera club has enabled me to meet others who share the same passion and have helped me to learn about the many aspects of photography.

Patrick Garrett

Travel / Misc.

I love the challenge of creating beautiful photos. I started with film and printed my photos in the darkroom. In the early 90's while traveling in Japan I purchased my first pocket digital camera. I bought Photoshop 3.0 so I could edit my photos. I've been hooked on photography ever since.


Ernie Wallerstein

Composite / Street Photography

I've been interested in photography since I was a teenager. When I retired from Healthcare administration in 2016 I dove back into photography thanks to the Shadow Hills Camera Club. I use Adobe Photoshop software to blend pictures that I have taken to create entirely new photographic images.

Annie Blackburn

Nature / Landscape

Photography provides me with a thoroughly satisfying, continuously challenging past time that has gifted me with the best friends, the wildest of adventures, world wide travel and ever changing creative outlet.

Diane Nagy

Travel / Nature

Turning memories into art brings brings back the joy of travel and the wonder of nature.

Wade Steinfeld

Portrait / Legal Photography

Been taking pictures since I was 9; earned a B.A. in Journalism (incl. photography). Briefly worked for the L.A. Times shooting sports (published); was able to combine my love of photography in my career which included many years in law enforcement. I volunteer at the Mizell Center in Palm Springs. Normally shoot digital but have been using my film camera more and more.

© 2023 by SCSH Camera Club

Updated 6/03/2024

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